
Developmental Guidelines

These general guidelines can be used by parents who may have concerns regarding their child's development of speech & language skills.

One-Year Olds

  • Understand and participate in routines such as pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo
  • Can produce a variety of sounds
  • Says mama, dada, and a variety of other words

Two-Year Olds

  • Use two word combinations
  • Can have a vocabulary of approximately 50 words
  • Understand names of familiar people, places, things
  • Understand verbs and some adjectives

Three-Year Olds

  • Use three and four word sentences with simple grammar
  • Can relate simple story with events
  • Can be understood by all family members
  • Can be understood by most adults

Four-Year Olds/Preschoolers

  • Mostly produces grammatically correct sentences
  • Begin to use complex sentences
  • Start to talk about past and future events
  • Able to follow directions at home & classroom
  • Uses pronouns correctly
  • Able to be understood by most unfamiliar listeners

School-Age Children

  • Begin to use non-literal language and humor
  • Tell stories using a logical sequence of events
  • Can think and talk about language (multiple meanings, antonyms, synonyms, rhyming).

Compare Developmental guidelines above to Indicators of Concern

Therapeutic/Material catalogs

Lingui Systems
Attainment Company

Professional Resources

American Speech Language
Hearing Association
Massachusetts Speech & Hearing
"Lorraine Salter has been giving therapy services to my daughter, Samantha, for 8 years now, and in that time Samantha has progressed significantly in her speech and being able to communicate and understand requests at a higher level then before she started therapy with Lorraine. Samantha enjoys her sessions with Lorraine and has come a long way in her communication abilities thanks to an understanding and very patient person."
- Carol, mother of 11 year old